вторник, 14 ноября 2017 г.

Workout Program to change your body – Gain Muscle not Fat Vol 2.

Workout Program to change your body – Gain Muscle not Fat Vol 2.
Are you ready for a workout program to change your body shape?

I am very excited to share my biggest new project with you – the workout program to change your body – Gain Muscle not Fat Volume 2!

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If you are familiar with my “Gain Muscle not Fat” Series and have tried Volume 1 (Free Program if you sign up for my newsletter), you will love this new challenge!

Make sure to check out the scientific background for this program:

The Workout Program to change your Body Shape

gain muscle not fat - how to build lean muscle mass and lose fat - body recomposition - fitwithdeniza.com

The Concept of this program

Originally, this is a program I designed for myself. I have been training for 8 years now and I am happy with my current body fat percentage (17-18%) and leanness. However, I do want to put on a little bit more muscle mass and improve my body shape. Apart from that, being strong is what keeps me pain-free (scoliosis), especially while treating patients at the hospital (taking blood from patients is so hard on your lower back!).

I am so amazed of the product that I decided to publish it and let my readers take part in this challenge as well. If you liked the first version, you will love the second one. Let me warn you though, this program is far more challenging, than you could imagine.

The program is designed for 12 weeks but you can repeat as many times as you like. Workouts change every 2 weeks and the second weeks contains a special challenge. You will never get bored with this program!

Included is your warm up, cool down, glute activation routine, explanation and tips for over 100 exercises and the scientific background is explained.

What “bulky” really means

As the main goal of this workout program is to build muscle, some people, especially women, will question whether or not this could make them look “bulky”. First of all, it becomes very clear that this is a myth when we look at human anatomy. Muscle tissue lies really deep, then comes our fat and layers of skin. If you build muscle but fail to burn the fat on top – you will look bulky.

But not because of the muscle – it is the fat that makes you look puffy, feel bloated and uncomfortable in your body.

Thus, it is crucial to make yourself clear what your primary goal at the moment is.

If you have a LOT of weight to lose:

  • Start strength training
  • Go into a moderate caloric deficit = weight loss
  • Don’t forget to include some type of cardio 3-5 days per week (HIIT should be done maximum 3 times per week)

However, if you are already pretty fit and only have about 5-10 lbs to lose, I recommend to keep your calories higher, so that you can build muscle and burn fat at the same time. You should realize though that this process will take much longer.

This program is excellent for either way – it will make sure your metabolism stay high when in weight loss mode (so you don’t hit a plateau) and it will also build muscle and burn fat if you stay at around maintenance calories.

At the end, whether you lose or gain weight depends purely on your total energy output versus input!

How to build muscle as a female

As women, we have much lower levels of testosterone and growth hormone. Both of these hormones are still present in our body and have important roles, especially when it comes to osteoporosis. However, low levels of testosterone also means slow muscle growth.

Thus, you cannot expect to build 5 lbs of pure muscle mass in 8 weeks. It could be possible if you are a beginner but once you have trained for a while, your muscle growth will slow down significantly. Don’t give up, stay patient and shift your focus to other goals other than your physical appearance.

Focus on your performance, power, energy levels, become stronger, faster, more flexible. Your physique will follow!

Eat to nourish your body and fuel your workouts

As I already mentioned above, your nutrition is key in this process. If you want to build muscle, you need to eat a proper amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein. All three macronutrients are essential.

This applies to weight loss as well. There are some body types and metabolism types that deal differently with carbohydrates versus fats. Once you have “reset” your body’s hormones and everything is balanced again, a moderate intake of all three macronutrients, along with healthy micronutrients (vitamins) will give you the best longterm results, not only physically but also mentally!

The right supplements

Once your nutrition and training is 100% on point (this is key), you can choose to supplement to enhance fat loss or muscle building. There are too many fake products on the market and let me tell you that these supplements will have no effects unless your nutrition is on point. Make sure to get that in check first.

My favorite fat loss supplements that are safe to use:

  • CLA: Essential fatty acids (similar to fish oil). Helps with body composition (reduces visceral fat)Only use if the source is grass-fed whey. Otherwise, it could be derived from trans-fats, which is very unhealthy and actually leads to weight gain!
  • Green Tea: Drink at least 1liter of green tea per day. It will also help reduce water retention and increase your mental focus. In addition to that, green tea has been proven to inhibit angiogenesis (the spreading of cancer cells).
  • Spicy food (increases metabolic rate)

My favorite muscle building supplements:

  • BCAA: To supply your muscles with amino acids to grow
  • Creatine: Occurs in our body and helps with increased energy. The myth that Kreatine makes you look bloated is NOT true. Water retention occurs outside of our cells (externally), while Kreatin increases the amount of water inside of our cells (internally). Kreatin will actually make you look very lean and your muscles will look full.

/ Protein Powder, as I don’t see that as a supplement. If you are eating enough protein through your meats, beans, eggs and milk products, you don’t necessarily need it. If you are vegan, you should definitely out my article on protein powder where I give some good recommendations.

That’s it!

I hope you like this program as much as I do. I have gone through the workouts 3 times and right now I have started the first week. I plan on doing this program twice (24 weeks until May) and then probably transition into “Summer Bikini Program” mode

If you would like a 50% discount (25€ instead of 50€) OR a nutrition consultation (worth 25€), e-mail me and I will let you know what you need to do!





Eat real food to fuel your muscles
Eat real food to fuel your muscles

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

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