пятница, 22 июня 2012 г.

How to Gain Muscle Mass Safely

How to Gain Muscle Mass Safely
Gaining muscle mass takes time and commitment.

Gaining muscle mass doesn't happen overnight. It requires a balance between diet, exercise and rest. Muscle hypertrophy, or muscle mass increase, occurs when the muscles go through a training session. When you lift weights and stress your muscles, small tears in the muscle fibers occur. These tears activate satellite cells. The satellite cells move to the location of the tears and begin repair by fusing together. This increase in cells is what increases the muscle size. Knowing when to lift weights, when to rest and how to feed your muscles is essential to increasing muscle mass effectively and safely.

Step 1

Set up time at your local gym with a trainer. Before lifting weights to increase muscle mass, it is essential to learn proper lifting technique.

Step 2

Perform a warm-up routine. This can include things like walking, jogging and light stretching. Lifting weights with cold muscles increases the risk of injury. Make sure your muscles are warm and ready for the workout. If you plan to work your arms, run through the lifting motions first without weights to put your joints through the range of motion.

Step 3

Begin with the lighter weights for single sets, once you have learned how to lift. Begin with 10 repetitions in a set and focus on form. Gradually increase repetitions and add additional sets as it becomes easier. You should be lifting until you feel a slight burn in the muscle group you're working.

Step 4

Eat a balanced, healthy diet high in protein. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Rachel Cosgrove recommends taking note of the current amount of calories you are eating each day. When lifting to build muscle mass, add 500 calories a day to that amount. Include 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight each day. Protein powders and supplements can help you reach these numbers.

Step 5

Take time to rest. Time is needed for those satellite cells to move in and make repairs. Generally, you should not work a muscle group more than three times a week. You should allow at least 48 hours between workouts on one muscle group. For example, if you're training your arms and upper body on Monday, you should not lift with these muscles again until at least Wednesday. This does not mean you have to sit on the couch and not exercise on those in-between days. For example, take Tuesday to train and lift with your lower body.

  • Use spotters when you are lifting, especially if you're new to weightlifting. Never lift heavy weights without a spotter.
  • Always use proper lifting technique. Lifting weights improperly increases the risk of injury.
  • Do not expect huge muscle growth overnight. Gaining muscle mass takes time.

Deborah Lundin is a professional writer with more than 20 years of experience in the medical field and as a small business owner. She studied medical science and sociology at Northern Illinois University. Her passions and interests include fitness, health, healthy eating, children and pets.

Original article and pictures take healthyliving.azcentral.com site

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